YES: The “get rich quick” trick for gaining serving experience

No, this trick isn’t a gimmick. This trick isn’t even really a trick. And it isn’t an acronym of Y-E-S. The trick is saying (and doing) yes.

When you first get into serving others, you don’t know how to serve. You might come at it by giving what you want to give instead of giving what’s wanted or needed. What’s worse, you still don’t have the motivation to serve. You’re thankful, but it’s a superficial. You’re not grounded yet.

Been there? Me too.

What you need need is a simple formula for educating yourself in the art of serving others. Well, here it is:

Say, “Yes!”

Throughout your daily interactions, you’re bound to encounter friends who have requests. Some ask you to wash dishes, buy groceries, or pass the gravy. Others ask for parenting advice, help with a stalled car, or a loan (sugar, napkin, money… you know).

When they ask, say, “Yes!”

Do “Yes!”

It’s not enough to say yes. That alone is lame.

Remember the parable about the two sons, one who said, “Yeah, I’ll do it,” but never did and one who said, “No, I won’t do it,” but did? Yeah, which obeyed the request? (Hint: check Matthew 21:28-32)

Saying “yes” is a bonus because it builds your credibility IF you follow through with what you say. Following through is the clincher.

…every time

YES isn’t something for once in a while. Try it for a week. Straight. Say yes every time someone makes a request

Exceptions: Only if you can think of a biblical reason within one minute to not say yes. Assume, though, that God wants you to serve. He does.

And through this exercise, you’ll learn…

  • How people ask
  • When they ask
  • What they ask for
  • And, perhaps most importantly for you, what you can actually do to serve others

You’ll amaze people in the process. You’ll surprise people with your out of the ordinary willingness to serve. Maybe you’ll even get a reputation for it.

Serving Suggestions:

(1) Say YES this week.

(2) What’s a request you’ve YESed that’s made a larger than expected impact? Leave a comment to let us know.