49 ways to show your love for Jesus

“But whoever keeps His word, truly the love of God is perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him.” – 1 John 2:5

  1. Smile at everyone
  2. Say, “God bless you,” even when no one has sneezed
  3. Give away your time
  4. Read a book to a child
  5. Be a peace maker
  6. Apologize for doing wrong
  7. Call someone you don’t normally call
  8. Write someone a letter
  9. Say “Praise the Lord”
  10. Be polite
  11. Compliment someone
  12. Pray with someone
  13. Show someone something God has shown you
  14. Buy the meal for someone at a different table at a restaurant
  15. Leave an extra-large tip
  16. Don’t complain about anything
  17. Clean someone’s house for them
  18. Mow someone’s yard for free
  19. Talk with a teenager
  20. Talk with a senior citizen
  21. Start a conversation with a stranger
  22. Give someone your favorite book or CD
  23. Attend church every Sunday
  24. Tithe
  25. Hold the door open for someone
  26. Let a car cut you off
  27. Invite someone over to your house
  28. Buy all the children ice-cream from the ice-cream man
  29. Introduce yourself to a neighbor you don’t know
  30. Recommend a book
  31. Write someone a poem even if it feels silly
  32. Draw a picture and give it to someone
  33. Bake a cake for someone
  34. Wash your friend’s car
  35. Take pictures and give them to people
  36. Send “Thank you” cards
  37. Visit someone in the hospital
  38. Visit a nursing home
  39. Fill up a someone’s car with gas for free
  40. Send flowers to your wife
  41. Dress up for your husband when he comes home
  42. Take your kids to the park
  43. Sit with someone different at church
  44. Leave a comment on a random blog
  45. Remember your friends’ birthdays
  46. Call your parents just to talk (don’t ask for anything, college students!)
  47. Give someone a massage (close friends and relatives only please)
  48. Say, “I love you,” more often.
  49. Say, “Jesus loves you,” more often.

Serving Suggestions

(1) So get to it.

(2) Add #50 yourself in the comments.