Forget the youth – Here’s the real gap in church ministry

This is an issue I’ve had on my mind for months now and have only recently branched out to start doing anything about it.

I recorded the video first take this morning at about 1:00 am. I always feel like an idiot when I listen to myself speak like this because I get nervous and start saying, “Um, ya know, right?” Like seven hundred times.

Enough with the disclaimers, though. I’m serious about this, even though “forget the youth” is probably a bit sarcastic. What do you think?

[Note: If you’re in an RSS reader or email, click through to watch.]

Serving Suggestions:

(1) Today, right now in fact, connect with someone who’s elderly. Reach out to them. They’re usually starved for attention.

(2) And I’m not just saying this because I think elderly people are hopeless. I’m saying this because I think they provide an excellent opportunity for the rest of us to mature way, way quicker and learn how to serve. Go pick up some wisdom.