Contest + free stuff = My happy birthday to you!

As far as I know, I’ve never publicly shared my birthday with anyone online… not even on Facebook. So yeah, time to change that…

My birthday is May 6… today!

And since today’s my birthday, I thought I’d share some free stuff with you guys and run a contest (the contest info is toward the bottom if you really don’t care about any of the free stuff).

And watch out: there’re lots of  :)’s in this one.

Free Stuff

All of this is free to download or use, no opt-in required.

Gayle Erwin stuff

I’d recommend everything he offers, even though I haven’t read his latest book. He has a bunch of audio books and teaching videos available for free. Here are the two I’d suggest to get started:

  • The Jesus Style: Gayle’s teaching which center on this book had a marked influence on my emphasis on serving here.
  • That Reminds Me of a Story: This is a collection of 40 personal stories that Gayle shares when he teaches. <<Funny!

>> Gayle Erwin audio books <<

Michael Holmes’s book

Michael’s giving away free downloads of his book, I Shall Raise Thee Up, but only until May 15. You can read my review of it here or just grab your own copy:

>> I Shall Raise Thee Up audio book <<


I had CommentLuv running a while ago but took it down. As of today, though, I’m running it again.

This means when you comment, if you have a blog, CommentLuv will automatically pull your latest post and display a link to it from your comment. Pretty cool, huh?

You’ve probably seen it around. It helps people find your blog by showing off your posts. Most of you commenters here are bloggers, so I thought I’d start showing a little more luv. :)

The contest

Here’s how this worked out: Renee Johnson ran a contest from her blog giving away her new book, Faithbook of Jesus, and I won. Thing is, I already have a copy. (I shared more about the book here.)

So I want to give this new copy to one of you. Here’s how it’s going to work:

  • Guess what date I was born (Month/Day/Year), and leave your answer in the comments below. I already gave you the first part, so it’s not as difficult as you might think. If you answer with how old I am, you will not win. You must put the date I was born (yeah, you might have to do some math). :) <<I’m a pain like that.

But that’s it. I’m pretty sure this isn’t that popular of a blog, so it’s not like you’re competing against that many people.

Two other important rules:

  • This is a U.S.-only contest. Sorry, dear friends in Germany and Canada and elsewhere – I don’t know how contest rules apply everywhere else. Instead, send this to one of your U.S. friends. :)
  • My birthday’s just today, so the contest is just today (May 6) also. After midnight (EST), you can still comment, but the contest is over. Whoever guesses the correct answer is the winner, and I’ll let you know by email. (If it’s a tie, I’ll randomly select one of the tied contestants. If you all miss, I’ll go with whoever’s closest.)

For those outside the U.S. or for all two of you in the world who don’t really want a copy of Renee’s book, take a guess anyway and give the book away as a present if you win.  :)

All right, have at it…

Serving Suggestions:

(1) Guess what date I was born and leave your answer in the comments below.

(2) Check out the free stuff. Easy-peezy today. :)