Here’s a tip: Leave generous tips

Leave how much you care (Photo: greenkozi)

Christians are known within the restaurant community not by their love, but by their lame tips… and reckless dining habits and overall rudeness. But specifically for their lame tips…

“Hey, man, a gospel tract is worth more than any money I could leave.”

That’s like smacking someone in the face and then trying to quote John 3:16. The verse might be more important, but I’m pretty sure they’re not listening anymore… perhaps ever.

I’m not making this up. It’s lame.

Next time you’re in a restaurant, ask about it. Or better yet, if you know someone who’s a waiter or waitress or works in the restaurant industry, ask them. They know.

How to start fixing this problem

I suggest budgeting 20% for tips. From the get go, before you even enter the restaurant, plan ahead of time to spend at least 20% extra on top of your overall tab. [For some places, this is even low.] Then move up from there.

You can argue all you want that tips are extra, not mandatory. And yes, you might technically be right, but from the workers’ perspective, you’re wrong… and you suck.

Let’s not suck, guys.

Our tips should reflect our willingness to serve others, not their willingness to serve us.

This is totally simple, totally realistic. But right now, the local alcoholics are kicking us here. Let’s blow them away with our generosity.

And then maybe those tracts will come in handy again.

Serving Suggestions:

(1) Simple: tip extravagantly… and start by planning for it. If you can’t afford the people, you can’t afford the food.

(2) Bonus: Once, just once, leave a tip that’s larger than the bill.