What you can learn from my most popular picture on Facebook

What did I learn from my most popular picture on Facebook? And what can you learn from it too?

In this video, I share something simple that I’ve been thinking about over the past few weeks. I think this gets to the heart of what it means to be a servant, not necessarily someone who does a bunch of crazy big stuff or gets a bunch of recognition.

[Click to watch if you’re in RSS or email.]

Serving Suggestions:

(1) I’ve talked about taking pictures before. Have you taken advantage of any of that lately? I know I hadn’t for a while… until recently.

(2) What other little things can you do that could make a big difference? Here are some ideas that come to mind for me: buying someone lunch, doing their grocery shopping, complimenting them in front of someone they respect, babysitting their children for an evening. What else can you think of? More importantly, what else can you do?