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Articles & Tutorials, Page 5

Courage to serve

Serving by nature is social. Social by nature is unpredictable. Unpredictable by nature is scary. That’s why we need courage to serve. …

Whose info are you sharing?

Transparency can certainly deepen friendships, but if you’re going to be all open with your information, you have to ask yourself a …

How transparent should we be with non-Christians?

I rediscovered a verse a few weeks before I wrote about the Opening Principle. That verse is forcing me to completely rethink my transparency guidelines. So I’d like your opinion: how much should we open up with non-Christians?

On feeling compassion

Jesus, moved with compassion, brought a widow’s dead son back to life. In contrast, before I sat down to write this, I killed about 85 ants. These are my thoughts on a virtue that’s eluded me my whole life: compassion.